As you will no doubt know by now, I run a little shop in Filey called 'Georgia Bo Interiors' named after my 3 year old daughter (Don't you know all the best shops have girls names - just think 'Laura Ashley!') anyway speaking of Laura Ashley, we have just had a beautiful new range of fabrics into the shop all in the Laura Ashley style, lots of really beautiful linen mix fabrics and subtle florals, checks and ticking stripes. I re-did the shop window yesterday, using some of these fabrics, but you can't see them very clearly on the photo so you'll have to take my word for it!
Business definitely seems to have picked up with quite a pace this last week or so, I'm not going to jump the gun and predict that the economic tide is turning, but for small business owners like myself, it's definitely a good sign.
The pincushions and hearts continue to be a good seller, the five I showed you on the post before last were all snapped up, so last night saw me sitting down to polish off another 10 - these ones have a crochet flower in the centre.
And here they are in the window!
We are off back to South Yorkshire this weekend - Dad's to visit and all that - we are all looking forward to a relaxing weekend, we have a BBQ planned for Sunday which we will spend at my Mum and Dads with the in-laws there too, so lets keep our fingers crossed for warm weather!
Have a good weekend everyone - Natalie x