Tomorrow is my lovely Callum's 11th Birthday - wow! where have the last 11 years gone? it seems like only yesterday that I was cradling my firstborn and now I am getting ready to pack him off to 'big school' later this year. Wouldn't it be nice to step back in time just for a day to re-live those days?
Callum - you are growing into such a special young man, who never fails to make us proud - we always know that when we go to your parent evenings that the teachers will have nothing but praise for you, we are sure you will go far and we thank you for being no trouble to us (yet!) - long may that continue! I love how you always have a kiss for me when I leave for work and again when I get home, and although your now too old to hold hands with me in public (embarrassing) I know you would do anything to make us happy. Thank you for being a wonderful son and for always doing your best
Love you lots - Mum and Dad x x x x x
Happy birthday young man!
Have a super day!
Happy Birthday Callum, you sound like you are growing into a fine young man and your mum and dad sound so very proud of you......claire xx
Happy birthday Callum!! have a lovely day.
(I know exactly what you mean about wanting to go back to to re-live the days when they were younger - I've a nine year old and he's growing up at a such rapid pace and whilst he still holds my hand it won't be for much longer I'm sure ....)
Happy birthday Calum!!!
Aww lovely post he sounds lovely
Happy birthday Callum!
he sounds lovely young man!
Lou xxx
What a hunk is going to be...I love my girls, they are my bestest friends but there is something about a boy! hmmm
Happy Birthday Callum, wishing you all the best at Big School, work hard and make you mark in this world.
Carol xxx
What a wonderful smile. Happy Birthday.
Oh no, how annoying that your mum got rid of the posies!!! Always the way though :-/ I just bought four more at boot sales today, oops!
Hope Callum had a wonderful birthday :)
Mel xxx
Hi Natalie
Hope your little man had a great birthday. He is a very handsome lad , he will have plenty of girlfriends!
My son said he is going to live with me till he is 60! if I am still alive
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