Well, its been quite a busy weekend - Hubby has been flat out working on Georgia's room ready for the Decorator who arrived this morning, so in between working and looking after the children, there was only time for some short bursts of crafting. The pair of lovebirds on the left is a gift I have made for a friend who has just had a baby (well, I say friend - we have never actually met, she is someone I have become friendly with over on
MSE - if nothing else, she will appreciate that you can't get more moneysaving than a handmade gift!) - I have added a little pair of socks to the parcel though, as I just couldn't resist. The picture on the right is a new pincushion I have made - The one I currently use I made at the age of 17, it was a tapestry pincushion which I got so into, that I actually bunked a day off my job as an office junior so that I could stay at home and finish it - how shameful is that?! Anyway I decided that after 17 years of use I deserved a new one! - I have made this from a pair of nappy pants that no longer fit Georgia, the cotton was so pretty that I thought "why not use it" - I have noticed that since I began reading other people's blogs, I look at things in a whole different light, and whether I can reuse them or turn them into something new - must have something to do with the fact that my fabric stash is no where near as impressive as some others I have seen! Just to update you on the decorating - we now have some pink on the walls and its looking lovely - I can't wait to get in there and add all the girly touches but I will have to be patient as we haven't even picked a carpet yet, and I know we will have to wait about a fortnight for that. - Natalie x
Hi Natalie
Lovely birds and pincushion, so cute. My pleasure to pass on the you make my day award, cos you do :) all you have to do is right click the logo, save it and then add it to your blog as a picture - does that make sense? if it doesn't get in touch.
Don't know when we'll be visiting Filey again, but we'll call in and say hello when we do, after I've been dragged out of Sterchis that is :)
Twiggy x
Hi Natalie- your little Georgia is an absolute sweetie!! Glad the baking went well, I haven't baked anything out of Janes book as yet- just keep stroking the pages and 'Oohing' over everything!
Have a great week- looking forward to seeing the pink palace!
anna x
Hi Natalie,
I really do love that pin cushion - I could do with one of those...my pins mostly end up on the floor.
I am looking forward to seeing Georgia's room too.
Caorl xx
lovely sewing!
looking forward to the revealling of the pinkness.
cute little birdies!
Love your pin cushion and birds. Looking forward to seeing pics of the pink room.
Sarah x
Cute birds, Know what you mean about looking at things in a different light . Looking forward to seeing the finished room
Lisa x
Good idea using the nappy pants I've saved some of Emily's clothes for crafting they have some really pretty designs. Will follow your progress on the girly room!
Hi Natalie!
Just to let you know you are a winner in my Easter giveaway - do send me your details and they will be right over! x
Maybe your pincushion could be your prototype for more to be made for the shop? With crafting being so popular now, I think they would sell. I am also looking forward to seeing little Georgia's pink palace, or a photo of her jumping up and down with excitement, we all may be doing that when we see it! I am sure your friend will be tinkled pink with the baby gifts, I would be. x
Hi Natalie
Thanks for dropping in. You sound like you have your hands full , 3 children and a shop and renovating. I think I would be in bed everynight at seven!
I love the rabbit you made and the lovely little birds. Your kittle girl looks like she is having a fantastic time baking
I really love the pin cushion, it looks so pretty. What a lovely pressie for the new babies!!
Pretty lovebirds Natalie! It's great reusing fabric isn't it - it makes things feel even better at the end! Have a Happy Easter
Congratulations you are a winner!
Please visit my blog for details of how to collect your prize.
Thanks for playing.
Thank you for your address details ... your prize is on it's way.
So what do you do next? ... all you have to do is Pay It Forward and offer some blog candy to 3 visitors on your own blog in some way. I just posted a Pay It Forward thread and put all the names of people who had left a message there, in a hat and pulled out 3, but you could do anything you like. Hope that helps.
Just found you through Flossie Teacakes. Really like what you are about! I was very struck by what you said a while back about finding yourself. I think these blogs have given me the green light to display more of what i like, so I can relate to what you say. It's a lovely feeling. You are welcome to pop over to my realtively new blog. Take care.
p.s. Just added you to my blog roll!
Wendy in So Cal
Hiya, check my blog as there is an award waiting for you...claire x
Thanks for visiting my blog!
I look forward to your next post.
I know what you mean about reusing stuff- i saved my little ones baby jumper and just found out about felting them, so I now have loads of ideas of things I can reuse them as- so far the baby has a rabbit in a scaled down jumper that look so cute- problem is you need even more space to store all the things you keep!
That is so funny that you skipped work to finish a pincushion! Thanks for stopping by my blog. xoxox, Samantha
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